Weekly Schedule 1/3/2023

The 2023 New Year's Eve countdown signaled the official end on my counting the weeks since COVID-19 isolation started in San Francisco way back in 2019. We have adapted our lives so much to stay healthy while continuing to work, study, socialize, and exercise. As tempting as it may be to discard those strategies in 2023, let's use online workouts, hand washing/ use of hand sanitizer, masking, and testing to strengthen our in-person time together.

With that in-mind, as we return from traveling and being indoors with larger groups of people, please take time to consider your likelihood of exposure to illnesses. Please contact us as soon as possible if you've been exposed so we can figure out a timeline to return to in-person workouts. Remember, there is no charge for cancelling due to COVID-19 exposure or illness. 

COVID-19 bivalent boosters are available for ages 6mos+. Flu shots are also available now. Is it for the babies? No. It’s for all of us, particularly immunocompromised or high risk people in our community. Please do your part to help our community.

Once you've had your booster please bring a record of your vaccination to the studio. Been procrastinating? Now is the TIME TO DO IT!

Here’s what classes are left on the schedule this week:

Thursday, 1/6/2023

  • 6:05pm PST - IN-PERSON GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class (Sophia)

A 50-minute group equipment class exploring Gyrotonic exercise on the Pulley Tower. Space for four (4) individuals. Contact us to help you sign up ongoing to hold your spot. Waitlist available.

The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is a form of deep abdominal strengthening, focusing on the body’s natural movement in three dimensions, breathing, as well as continuous motion that is smooth and uninterrupted.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=11540424

Please be prepared to provide updated proof of vaccination when visiting the studio. Here's a useful link to have on hand when you've forgotten your paper vaccination card: 


Remember that bivalent boosters are available to those who are eligible, and we encourage you to stay current on your vaccinations to help keep our community healthy.

We are continuing to wear masks fully covering the nose and mouth while in the Movement For Everyone studio. Our window does not open, our space is very intimate, and we're prioritizing hands-on work during in-person sessions. Online sessions are available for those who are unable to mask for 50-minutes. Thank you for your cooperation.


2-Day Workshop for Gyrotonic Instructors at ABOW

Assessment techniques for GYROTONIC® Trainers
with ITT Pilates Master Trainer and Certified Gyrotonic instructor Jean Sullivan

10:00am-5:00pm Saturday, 1/14/2023
10:00am-5:00pm Sunday, 1/15/2023

Cost: $425

Location: A Body of Work

569 Ruger Street
SF, CA 94129

This 2-day workshop is designed specifically for Gyrotonic instructors. Learn techniques that give you clarity on how your client is adapting to the Gyrotonic movement system. We’ll look at the spine, pelvis, hip joints, feet, and shoulder girdle. Jean hopes to make this an experiential lab where we learn from each other.

Space is limited to 8 students 

Register here: 

Looking forward to seeing you online and in-person this week! Until then, GET YOUR BOOSTER, breathe deeply, stay socially distant, healthy and sane.




Weekly Schedule 1/9/2023 — Feeling Down Can Have Multiple Causes


Weekly Schedule 12/26/2022 — Merry Christmas And Happy Kwanzaa!