Weekly Schedule 12/27/2021 — Reflecting, Looking Forward, and Next Steps

Diagonal rows of red and green reusable shopping bags with groceries


Sign up for the four (4) week in-person Gyrotonic equipment class series. Class cohort is a minimum of 3 -- maximum of 4 people. There are two (2) spots left!

Gyrotonic Pulley Tower
Monday, 7:00AM


$180 for the series.

Can't do mornings? Evening group Pulley Tower class coming soon.

Sign Up Here

Week 94 - Wishing you all the merriest of Christmases!

I am astounded by life's serendipity. I read this powerful Mother Jones article written by Lori Teresa Yearwood (via Apple News+) titled, "I Am Not Your Project: I escaped from the trauma of homelessness, only to battle your debilitating projections of me." I also just started listening to the Jalen Rose Renaissance Man podcast, 12/15/2021 episode "The Past Is Prologue featuring Aida Rodriguez". Both Ms. Yearwood and Ms. Rodriguez discuss the trauma of homelessness and the continuing trauma of being judged by that experience.

I tend to listen to podcasts on my commute to the studio, and inevitably pass people panhandling near Golden Gate Park or the Octavia Boulevard freeway entrance. It has been a conundrum of the heart for me. On the one hand, my heart aches for these individuals looking so forlorn, tired, weather-worn, often wet, and generally hopeless. Seeing someone's child in such a challenging position really starts to hit home. Yet my heart simultaneously hardens when I remember the advice people give:

Never give money to homeless people.

They're probably going to just spend it on drugs or alcohol.

The amount of money you give them won't make a difference.

Why don't they just go to a shelter?

So what do we do when confronted by these common scenarios?

Again, I have struggled with how to best help the unhoused for a long time. 2021 has been the year of giving up in a sense and just doing something, even if it isn't the "perfect thing". Here are the resources I found via Google when I searched "winter kits for homeless people":

  • What to Give Homeless People, Kayla Robbins --https://invisiblepeople.tv/what-to-give-to-homeless-people/amp/

  • How You Can Help, SF Chronicle SF Homeless Project -- https://projects.sfchronicle.com/sf-homeless/how-to-help/

  • Homeless Resources, San Francisco Interfaith Council -- https://www.sfinterfaithcouncil.org/homeless-resources

  • In-Kind Donations, Project Homeless Connect -- https://www.projecthomelessconnect.org/donate/in-kind-donations/

  • Interfaith Winter Shelter, Episcopal Community Services San Francisco -- https://ecs-sf.org/interfaith-winter-shelter/

Of course, there are many more resources on the internet. The most poignant takeaway from this fraction of information was from Kayla Robbins' article:

Just to re-emphasize, this is only a list of possible suggestions. To make sure you’re giving people what they actually need, you’re going to need to ask them directly.

This was an important reminder of how I am fearful of people and their sorrow, which leads me away from valuing the humanity of all people. I'm working to express the ethos that everyone is deserving of dignity and respect through my actions in 2022. I invite you to join me and share your experiences.


Here's what's on the online schedule starting Tuesday, 1/4/2022:

9:30am PST - Tuesday, 1/4/2022:

  • ONLINE Pilates Mat (Mixed Level)

We are starting off the year using the long foam roller (36" long), light hand weights, wall space and a resistance band. Our focus is rotational movement of the joints to maximize sustainable range of motion. And abdominal work. Don't forget the abdominal work. Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13574506

9:30am PST - Thursday, 1/6/2022:

  • ONLINE Balance and Flow GYROKINESIS® 

Starting 2022 using your stool/. chair, mat, two (2) full-sized bath towels, and a resistance band (5' or longer). We are focusing on more of the floor work to maintain and improve balance and agility.

Focusing on the ability of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to increase circulation, mobilize and strengthen joints, and increase proprioceptive awareness, this Zoom class prepares the body for more confidence in standing balance work. Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13778332

Looking forward to seeing you online and in-person in 2022 -- NEXT WEEK! Until then, breathe deeply, stay socially distant, healthy and sane.




Weekly Schedule 1/3/2022 — Happy New Year!


Weekly Schedule 12/20/2021 — Making Time For Rest