Weekly Schedule 1/10/2022 — Practicing Self-Kindness Through Exercise

Week 96 - As I shared with online class participants last week, I did not do any personal workouts during the break. I did the classic human move of working on house projects until I was too tired to do anything else EVEN THOUGH I KNOW that putting my own workouts first makes be better prepared and present through the different facets of my life.

Believe it or not, I'm a human being, too. I just happen to teach exercise. But it did prompt reflection as to why I didn't make time for this effective type of self-care.

Reading this article from Stylist opened my eyes to the concept of intuitive exercise, and how the traditional relationships with exercise lack balance: https://www.stylist.co.uk/fitness-health/workouts/intuitive-exercise-goals/601517

The portion of Chloe Gray's article that resonated the most with me was:

“I would never advise that anyone intuitively run a marathon. You have to build that fitness up over time,” [Tally Rye] says. And that’s the hard part: understanding that you can’t meet your goals without the right training, but that said training doesn’t have to be miserable or take over the rest of your life.

I realized that for those of us who are used to training for a specific goal -- whether it's for a Tough Mutter, hitting a target weight loss goal, or staying in-shape for a dance career -- the lack of impetus that accompanies a consistent workout routine can make us feel that our workout routines lose luster. It also makes consistency tedious. For some of us it may even contribute to the attitude that workouts to keep our bodies feeling good or make us feel better aren't as valuable as the more measurable fitness goals.

The blessing of a long healthy life is a marathon without the certainty of knowing when the end of the race will be. We know that humans have difficulty processing uncertainty. It helped me to approach my workouts with this mindset, and hopefully it will help you, too.

Here's what's on the schedule this week:

7:00am PST - Monday, 1/20/2022:

  • IN-PERSON GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class Series

Get your body ready to move through the week with in this 50-minute group equipment class series utilizing the Gyrotonic® Pulley Tower for a cohort of four (4) individuals. Class meets once a week for four weeks. No prior experience necessary. Registration for all four classes is required.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=11540424

9:30am PST - Tuesday, 1/11/2022:

  • ONLINE Pilates Mat (Mixed Level)

We are starting off the year using the long foam roller (36" long), light hand weights, wall space and a resistance band. Our focus is rotational movement of the joints to maximize sustainable range of motion. And abdominal work. Don't forget the abdominal work. Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13574506

9:30am PST - Thursday, 1/13/2022:

  • ONLINE Balance and Flow GYROKINESIS® 

Starting 2022 using your stool/ chair, mat, two (2) full-sized bath towels, and a resistance band (5' or longer). We are focusing on more of the floor work to maintain and improve balance and agility.

Focusing on the ability of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to increase circulation, mobilize and strengthen joints, and increase proprioceptive awareness, this Zoom class prepares the body for more confidence in standing balance work. Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13778332

Looking forward to seeing you online and in-person this week! Until then, breathe deeply, stay socially distant, healthy and sane.



2022 FOCUS: Firmly deciding, after reducing an abstract problem into its components, to proceed on a journey toward harmony.

Read last week's email here to understand how this became our resolution for 2022


Weekly Schedule 1/17/2022 — Celebrating the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Weekly Schedule 1/3/2022 — Happy New Year!