Weekly Schedule 7/25/2022 — Schedule and Tidbits

Please be prepared to provide updated proof of vaccination when visiting the studio. Here's a useful link to have on hand when you've forgotten your paper vaccination card, or don't have an updated copy with you:


Week 124 - DTC/SF Intermediate Summer Intensive is filling the studio with energy! Movement For Everyone is providing dance specific conditioning training for young dancers ages 9 to 19 four times a week for an additional two weeks. Sophia and I are enjoying the vitality and curiosity of these dancers!🎉

We will also be taking time off toward the end of August to rest and prepare for the Fall. Please note our times away:

  • Harriet — 8/15 through 9/5

  • Sophia — 8/28 through 9/5

We are working on finding alternate instructors while we’re off, so please keep us informed of your travel plans.

A few articles that piqued my interest this week:

  • CNN's "Should You Get Your Booster Now Or Wait Until The Fall?" — https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/21/health/omicron-booster-vaccine-coronavirus-wellness/index.html

  • Vogue UK's "When Everything Is On Fire, Is Practicing Self-Care Just Pure Indulgence?" — https://www.vogue.co.uk/arts-and-lifestyle/article/is-self-care-indulgent

  • Stylist UK's "This Is What It's Like Living With Agoraphobia in A'Post Pandemic' World" — https://www.stylist.co.uk/health/mental-health/agoraphobia-anxiety-post-pandemic/685444

I hope these give your curiosity a little kick. Gus (my dog) was certainly interested in the third article being an anxious guy.

Here’s what’s on the schedule this week:

Monday, 7/25/2022

  • 7:00am PST - IN-PERSON GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class (Harriet)

A 50-minute group equipment class open to all levels. Space for four (4) individuals with two (2) spots left. Curious about this movement system? This is a great class to learn more.


Tuesday, 7/26/2022

  • 9:30am PST - ONLINE Mixed Level Pilates Mat (Harriet)

Building on pelvic stability from last month, we're focusing on strengthening the legs and increasing cardiovascular activity using the 9-inch ball, long resistance band, and light hand weights (1-5 lbs). Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13574506

  • 1:00pm PST - IN-PERSON GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class (Sophia)

A 50-minute group equipment class exploring Gyrotonic exercise on the Pulley Tower. Space for four (4) individuals. 

GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is a form of deep abdominal strengthening, focusing on the body’s natural movement in three dimensions, breathing, as well as continuous motion that is smooth and uninterrupted. This calmly-paced class focuses on upper body posture and strengthening the legs while increasing mobility.


Wednesday, 7/27/2022

  • 10:30am PST - IN-PERSON Prenatal and Postnatal GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class (Harriet)

A 50-minute group equipment class open to new parents and birthing people using Gyrotonic exercise on the Pulley Tower as well as additional props to help support the body. Space for four (4) individuals.

Focusing on the ability of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to increase circulation, mobilize and strengthen joints, and increase proprioceptive awareness, this in-person class focuses on connecting participants to their bodies as the demands upon it evolve and change. 

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=34790781

Thursday, 7/28/2022

  • 9:30am PST - ONLINE Balance and Flow GYROKINESIS® (Harriet)

Our focus for July continues with the shoulder harness constructed by joining two (2) yoga straps, and adding the 9-inch ball to continue to mobilize the upper spine and shoulders. Video available if you can't attend live.

Focusing on the ability of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to increase circulation, mobilize and strengthen joints, and increase proprioceptive awareness, this Zoom class prepares the body for more confidence in standing balance work. 

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13778332

  • 6:00pm PST - IN-PERSON GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class (Sophia)

A 50-minute group equipment class exploring Gyrotonic exercise on the Pulley Tower. Space for four (4) individuals. 

The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is a form of deep abdominal strengthening, focusing on the body’s natural movement in three dimensions, breathing, as well as continuous motion that is smooth and uninterrupted.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=11540424

Looking forward to seeing you online and in-person this week! Until then, breathe deeply, get your booster, stay socially distant, healthy and sane.



2022 FOCUS: Firmly deciding, after reducing an abstract problem into its components, to proceed on a journey toward harmony.

Read the first email of 2022 here to understand how this became our resolution for 2022.


Weekly Schedule 8/1/2022 — Still Doing It


Weekly Schedule 7/18/2022 — Using Novelty To Stave Off The Summer Doldrums