Weekly Schedule 5/29/2022 — Memorial Day: Taking Time To Reflect

Week 116 - Not just the kick off to summer with a three-day weekend. Memorial Day is a time to remember those who served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice. We also make space in our hearts for the continued tragedies we face as a nation. These lives lost, despite their differing ages, were all someone's children.

Please take a moment to reflect on the lives of our nation's sons and daughters at 3:00PM.

On a brighter note, I'm excited to introduce our new Gyrotonic instructor, Sophia Rumasuglia. Her schedule is open for afternoon and early evening in-person appointments starting Monday, June 6, and is adding more availability throughout the summer.

To celebrate, anyone can purchase a special package of four individual sessions with Sophia for $340. This limited time package is available for use from 6/6/2022 though 6/30/2022 to pay for appointments with Sophia. Please reply to this email if you need assistance with scheduling.

Here's what's on the schedule this week:

9:30am PST - Tuesday, 5/31/2022:

  • ONLINE Pilates Mat (Mixed Level)

This is the last class of our May focus of pelvic stability using the small ball (about 9") and resistance band or loop band (medium resistance). Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13574506

NEW CLASS 1:00pm PST - Tuesday, 5/31/2022:

  • IN-PERSON GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class

A 50-minute group equipment class series exploring Gyrotonic exercise on the Pulley Tower. Space for four (4) individuals. Curious about this movement system? This is a great class to learn more.


The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is a form of deep abdominal strengthening, focusing on the body’s natural movement in three dimensions, breathing, as well as continuous motion that is smooth and uninterrupted.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=31966982

9:30am PST - Thursday, 6/2/2022:

  • ONLINE Balance and Flow GYROKINESIS® 

Keep those two (2) yoga straps, and add the 9-inch ball for our June focus of mobilizing the upper spine and shoulders. Have some wall space available if you are not currently going to the floor.

Focusing on the ability of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to increase circulation, mobilize and strengthen joints, and increase proprioceptive awareness, this Zoom class prepares the body for more confidence in standing balance work. Video available if you can't attend live.

Sign-up: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16934439&appointmentType=13778332

Looking forward to seeing you online and in-person this week! Until then, breathe deeply, get your booster, stay socially distant, healthy and sane.



2022 FOCUS: Firmly deciding, after reducing an abstract problem into its components, to proceed on a journey toward harmony.

Read the first email of 2022 here to understand how this became our resolution for 2022.


Weekly Schedule 6/20/2022 — Juneteenth and Father’s Day


Weekly Schedule 5/23/2022 — Gearing Up For Summer Travel